Saturday, May 5, 2018

Nine Years Of The Dojo!

Time flies when you're growing old. It truly does feel at times like it was only yesterday that I was utterly thrilled with the excitement of beginning blogging here at the Dojo. I had small schemes and tiny plans and those have of course changed. This blog began with a strong emphasis on Charlton Comics, but has broadened its horizons as time and tide have passed and my interests and my attentions have altered. Still love Charlton, but there's much more out there and Charlton gets a lot more attention that it used to. The last year has been soaked up by commentaries on the dreadful state of politics in this America, but barring some new scandal (hopeless I'm guessing), I see that perhaps dwindling a bit as I'm mostly trying to live in a Trump-free zone, preferring the relative bliss of escapism to the noxious fumes of the daily news. But you never know. In fact a new is scheduled for a few days from now.

Blogging I guess has become a bit old hat in this old world, replaced by new hipper technologies. But those new modes of social interaction seem to lack the important reflection that blogging allows. Twitter and its ilk all seem to be about the snappy blurb and the primary moment. I prefer a slower method, so here I stay for now until the internet landscape moves out from under me. Will the Dojo be here nine years from now, I doubt it, but then I'd have never imagined I'd be here nine years ago.

Thanks to one and all who spend a little of their time checking out the drivel I dream up here at this "not half bad" blog of mine. It's most appreciated. Stay tuned amigos!

Rip Off


  1. So glad you do this thing. I know that I only started collecting Charlton because your enthusiasm was contagious

    1. You do me honor sir, as a devotee of the wonderful world of Charlton, I'm glad to have you aboard.

      Rip Off

  2. Long form discussion is what I appreciate. Just as I (anachronistically) prefer comics with lots of text. So much of media is tailored to rapid consumption by an audience of multi-tasking speed readers, who read for data and don't allow time to savor language and reflect on ideas. Reading can be a relaxing, meditative, and satisfying occupation. I really appreciate the time and consideration you put in every day. Coming to the Dojo is like retreating to the Cobalt Club, for a drink, a newspaper, and a bit of lively conversation with friends.

    1. Wow! The Cobalt Club -- a tall comparison indeed. Thanks muchly sir and you are welcome as long as this club is open. Have a martini on me.

      Rip Off

  3. Big fan for years, Rip. Thanks for your work here. I'll be visiting the Dojo as long as it's open.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. The Dojo welcomes your business.

      Rip Off

  4. Keep it coming Rip favourite hero The Question and favourite artist Steve Ditko Mysterious Suspense #1 my most treasured comic (along with BB#1-#5) your blogs are so informative and so very zany makes the evening read even better.

    1. Those are mighty comics indeed. They are valued parts of my collection too. Thanks for the kind word.

      Rip Off

  5. Your site is important and I love it. I will visit as long as you are bloging.
