Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kull Of Atlantis!

What follows are some wonderful pages from Savage Sword of Conan #3.

(Cover Art by Mike Kaluta)

I'll let Roy Thomas explain in this caption. (Despite the third person, we all know this is Roy, right.)

In addition to the pages from SSoC #3 though, I've added in some more material from that presentation, placing it where I think it best fits the slim narrative. You can spot the new pages as they lack any captions, and two of them follow on after the "end" of the published pages.

"Exile from Atlantis" was first published in 1967 in the Lancer paperback collection of Kull stories. The sequence above shows the latter half of that brief tale of Kull's early days.

(Cover Art by Roy Krenkel)

And just for fun's sake here's a snapshot of Roy and Barry at just about the time they produced this rough gem. The picture was taken at the 1973 New York City Comic Art Convention. It you'd like to see more check this link.

(Roy in the flowery shirt & Barry in the hipster suit.)

Rip Off

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