Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Charlton Halloween Mash-Up!

Here is one of my favorite Charlton pages, a lush Don Newton page featuring the assembled Charlton Ghost Hosts (the cordial Dr. Graves, the leering Mr.Dedd, the bodacious Winnie the Witch, the grinning Mr.Bones, the eager Professor Coffin, and the lovely Arachne) welcoming then new kid on the block, Baron Weirwulf to the fold.

Lovely, just lovely!

Rip Off


  1. Man, is that a sweet looking page! That man could really draw - and really ink! Great halloween post!

  2. I've been saving this one, it is a beaut.

    Don Newton's untimely death is one of the great tragedies in comics, alongside the early deaths of Joe Maneely and Matt Baker. All of these guys were talents who would've made even greater impacts on the field had they lived longer.

    Rip Off
