Thursday, January 2, 2025

Hawkeye The Marksman Day!

"Dashing" Don Heck was born on this day in 1929. Heck was a key artist in Marvel's early days, and he co-created many of their stars including the focus of today's Dojo celebration -- Hawkeye the Marksman. 

When I first tumbled onto the Avengers there were only three members, Goliath, the Wasp and the outstanding Hawkeye the Marksman. Hawkeye is the ultimate no-powers hero, hanging and banging with the big boys against mighty menaces armed with only his arrows, his savage wit, and his unblinking courage. Hawkeye was created by Larry Lieber and artist Don Heck in the pages of Tales of Suspense

He was at first meant to be an antagonist for Shellhead, led astray by the comely Black Widow. But he comes to his senses and his inducted into the Avengers where he serves off and on for decades, even going on to spearhead the West Coast branch of that operation. 

Hawkeye, revealed to be a man named Clint Barton after I started reading about him, could be an asshole for certain. He was difficult to manage as a part of the team when the fighting was not on, but fiercely loyal when that loyalty had been earned. I even liked the period of time when he wasn't Hawkeye but became Goliath. He eventually returned to his best self, but always he was Clint Barton.

It's too bad they gave much of his tempestuous but witty personality to Tony Stark when they made the movies, because think how popular he'd be if he could be himself on the big screen.

It's actually the second time Hawkeye's fiery nature was ripped off, the first was when DC updated their own bowman Green Arrow long ago.

Clint had identity problems for a while. Becoming Goliath for a while helped him feel he mattered but then he returned to his archer roots. Don Heck is the only artist who made this outfit look good. But soon he'd be back in his vintage togs. 

It took Hawkeye years and years to get his own series and to become what I always knew was his first best mission, the leader of the Avengers. When he married Mockingbird, he became even more of a favorite.  I've always liked Hawkeye, or should I say I've always liked the rambunctious Clint Barton. 

Special Note: Look for many more of these one-day celebrations as 2025 tumbles along. 

Rip Off


  1. Although he could produce some pretty rushed art I always felt that Don Heck was one of those artists that never really got the praise he deserved. I loved his early Avengers and Iron Man tales and recently picked up ( well one was a Christmas gift) a couple of those Mighty Marvel Milestones paperbacks with his Avengers strips . Hawkeye was always one of my favourite characters I think you sumed him up perfectly . I never saw the link with the comic book Hawkeye and the cinematic Iron Man, spot on .

    1. Hawkeye was the everyman at Marvel. He was just bad enough in his instincts that heroism wasn't natural. He had to choose, which made the choice even more impressive. Watching him admire and attempt to imitate Cap was always a pleasure.

  2. I'm not sure if The Days of Our Anti-Lives is still open for comments but I just want to say that you are wise to step back from that blog for a while (or possibly permanently) as I agree it's not healthy to be constantly angry and in despair over something you can't change. I've listened to every US presidential inauguration (either on TV or the radio) since 1981, even Trump's in 2017, but I will be boycotting the inauguration on January 20th as I feel democracy in the West has now become a farce and Trump should be in prison not back in the White House.

    By the way, I had to google the phrase "waiting for the shoe to drop" because I didn't know what it meant!

    1. I think lots of folks have given up on the federal experiment. This nation will have to be rebuilt from the statehouses on up. And likewise, we've given up on the media which has been bought out.

  3. Even though I prefer his Hawkeye ID I liked his brief return to Goliath during the Operation: Galactic Storm crossover.

    1. For sure. The Goliath phase was a good time, as it sure made him a dominate figure on more than a few covers.
