Saturday, May 4, 2024

My Goldberry!

Goldeberry is the utterly charming wife of Tom Bombadil, the enigmatic character from J.R.R. Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings. Goldberry was a water nymph who has golden hair and is a radiant figure who brings peace and love to those around her. My beloved Liz was like that. Gorgeous blonde hair and a bright winning smile that drove out the gloominess which all too often inhabits my spirit. 

Seven years have passed since I lost my Lizzie -- my wife and partner, the woman I've spent most of my lifetime with, and the woman who was the caring and doting mother of our two delightful, lovely and admirable daughters. I lost her much sooner than I expected, more quickly than seemed possible. But now seven years later, the wounds have begun to close over slightly. Nonetheless I will never betray the memory of the woman I loved, and the woman I still love to this day. 

My wife is no longer here for me to talk to and to laugh with and to take care of. And she's no longer here to help take care of me as I become more and more an old man. I step into the twilight, the unknown without her wisdom and guidance and support. 

The Dojo has taken a brief hiatus around this time in years past, and so too this year in loving memory of my beloved Lizzie. Normal activity (more or less) will resume in a week's time or thereabouts. Look for more Tolkien in this month of May. 

Be well my friends and cherish the ones you have -- they are not yours to keep for all time.



  1. My sister Lucy died aged 19 in April 1988 and today (May 4th) is the 36th anniversary of her funeral so this time of year is always poignant for me too. The covers in your side column reminded me that today is also Star Wars Day (May the 4th Be With You etc) and today is also 45 years since Margaret Thatcher became Prime-Minister of Britain in 1979 (I was no fan of hers but I thought I'd mention it with today being May 4th).

    1. Condolences on the loss of your sister so many years ago. Time heals the wound but the scar remains.

      Margaret Thatcher's rise to power in the U.K. was at the same time that the reprehensible Ronald Reagan became president of the U.S. Much of the nonsense and miserable governance we suffer these days was given birth in these years. At least that's my take.

  2. Yes, it's my take too. Many of the economic and social problems we have in the UK nowadays can be traced back to Thatcher and her stupid neoliberal agenda. But even the UK Labour Party (which is supposed to be on the left) feels the need to say complimentary things about Thatcher such as "she was a visionary" etc. Labour will soon return to power but our economy is one of the weakest economies in the G20 due to failed Thatcherism and Labour just intends more of the same. It's very depressing.

  3. As always well said Rip. Take care.
