Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Three Thousand!

This is the three thousandth post I have composed for the Dojo. Others which have been written before this one might appear after it and some written after it might appear before, but this here marks the three thousandth time I've sat down and typed out some blather about something on my noggin about comics, movies, or something else entirely. Some few folks have been here for the whole run, some have been and gone, and others have joined as the years have rolled along, more than I anticipated when I started this blogging thing way back in the late spring of 2009.

Those of us in comics love numbers and nice round numbers appeal especially, or they did once upon a time before comics were rebooted every two to three years. One hundred was special, two hundred especially so, three hundred rare, four hundred even rarer and five hundred almost unheard of. Then it all changed.

Comics today are about the moment, the new the instant in which they occur. Memory is wiped clean every few years to make way for another rendition of another concept which likely was created decades before. New is unusual, but novel is commonplace.

So let me take a moment to reflect on three thousand posts.

Good. Now onto the next three thousand.

Rip Off


  1. Congrats and thank you for all you do here, Rip! I don't comment often, but I read ya every day! You're blog is definitely rip-roarin' and never a rip-off! 3000 kudos!

    1. Thanks for your rip-snortin' riposte, I really appreciate the support.

      Rip Off :)

  2. 3000 posts!!!... Imperious Rip!!!

  3. Wow! Three thousand posts! Impressive!
    Thanks for all your hard work, Rip, and here's to many more!

    1. Thanks. More to come, more already written.

      Rip Off :)
