Friday, June 28, 2024

The Neal Adams Superman Family Album!

Above is the very first cover that Neal Adams created for DC's Superman Family of titles, and it's a doozy. The energy and drama of an Adams cover is all too evident. Below I've attempted to assemble all the "Superman Family" covers Adams produced for Action Comics, Superman, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen. I know he created some outstanding covers for Superboy during this period, but I hand to draw the line somewhere, and you can find those covers here at posts I created about the Legion last Spring. I did however include those issues of World's Finest in which Superman was hosting various other stars from the DC firmament other than Batman. I've attempted to arrange the gallery in chronological order, and I've attempted to indicate where Adams was just inking a cover as he does in a few of these. If I've forgotten one let me know. Beginning in 1967 and sprawling across the next few years the late and great Neal Adams dominated the covers at DC. Enjoy! 

Adams returned in the late Bronze Age to kick out a few more outstanding covers for the Superman books. These are some of my all-time favorites. 

I'll wrap up this overlong post with Neal's contribution to the Action Comics #1000 celebration. Why? Because I want to. See you tomorrow with something completely different and smaller. 

Rip Off


  1. It's an utter disgrace, so it is! What is? The fact that I've got only around 27 of the issues you show here. It's simply not enough.

    1. Despite the fact my home has largely become a comic book depository I agree.

  2. I've previously mentioned that I was a huge Marvel fan and knew very little about DC so I find a lot of these covers quite bizarre and unlike anything Marvel would do. Unfortunately the cover showing the ageing Superman made me think of poor Joe Biden. Sorry!

    1. DC always had the best covers. Carmine Infantino designed many of the ones Neal Adams did. They are so weird.

      On the Joe Biden note, I'm a bit stricken this morning after his poor outing at the debate last night. He's got the info but he presents so old that I dread people will write him off. Trump was lying his ass off, but he appeared mentally competent. He's the one on a performance enhancing drug I think.

  3. These covers made me desperate to read these comics when I was a kid. I still have a few of these in my collection.

    1. That's the ticket. You were screaming to get access and find out how that absurd situation came to be. Covers were advertising to sell the book. Now they are just pieces of art, pretty art and all, but just that.
