Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Dojo Classics - In The Days Of The Mob!

Here's a real behind-the-scenes treat from a Bronze Age rarity. In the Days of the Mob was along with its companion Spirit World an attempt by Jack "King" Kirby to broaden the scope of comics at the time when the four-color pamphlet rule the racks. These DC products (though they squire the "Hampshire") were one-offs, the next issues of each project being broken up and published here and yon across the DC Universe.

Kirby loved to make use of photos and he did a lot of collage work in these books, most notably on the cover of In the Days of the Mob.  Below is an ad for the series.

Kirby clearly loved dealing with this violent but fascinating period of time as he came back to it time and again. It's a shame he couldn't have done a few more issues of what is clearly a work of love for a time when he was a mere lad. Here's a link to the "Bullets for Big Al" story and some other things as well. And here's a link for the "Murder Inc." story which did see publication but not in the second issue of In the Days of the Mob as intended. And finally here's a link which I've connected to before, that has the whole debut issue scanned in. Mike Royer was inking Kirby by the time the second issue stories were done. But alas these would have to wait until decades later and a hardback reprint to see publication. 

 Rip Off


  1. I've got the book and the original mag - great stuff. Incidentally, the ad you show is for the first ish, not the second.
