Thursday, August 2, 2018

Archie SuperTeens Versus Crusaders!

I have always been a Mighty Crusader fan, especially after the 80's Red Circle days when Rich Buckler tried to revive them. That didn't last that long like all of their revivals, but it stoked my interest in heroes who could and have provoked yawns in fandom. Since then, I've kept my eye open to their periodic resurrections here and there, even popped for a few if the price was right. The latest outburst which caught my eye was this crossover with the Archie SuperTeens.

I really like the latter, supremely goofy but for me thoroughly entertaining. This crossover which occupies two issues (one of the main reasons I popped for it was that it was quickly over) is a charmer. The two covers for the book form a single image, always a nifty selling point for moi. Alas the art is pretty good throughout and the story is fine but there's just not enough hi-jinks for two issues. The Crusaders mostly get represented with some only getting a panel or two at the most. Black Hood and Steel Sterling get the most time.  The others who appear are the Comet, the Shield, Mr. Justice, Inferno, Captain Commando, Bob Phantom, Black Jack, Fox, The Webb, Captain Flag, and Firefly. There are so many Crusaders, and most are really cameos, but this comic yarn reads more like a trailer for the movie which is yet to come. I think I read both issues in under ten minutes which is damn fast even more me. Good but would be better with some more density in the story.

Here are some of the Mighty Crusader number one issues from across the decades. The first one from 1965 actually makes an appearance in the two-part tale above.

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  1. I didn't know about the two most recent Mighty revivals although I knew about New Crusaders. Gotta try 'em all!

    1. Archie Comics sure gets points for keeping at it. Over the decades they have attempted to revive these heroes a number of times, usually interesting if not successful. I imagine in a few years we'll get another one...just saying!

      Rip Off
